Oxford BioMedica plc Annual General Meeting

2 June 2014


Oxford, UK – 03 June 2014: Oxford BioMedica (“the Company”) (LSE:OXB), the leading gene-based biopharmaceutical company, announced today that all resolutions proposed were duly passed at its Annual General Meeting (AGM), held today in London.

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.18 the following resolutions are those which were passed at the meeting concerning special business:

  • Resolution 8: to empower the Directors to allot equity securities for cash, pursuant to section 570 of the Companies Act 2006 as if section 561 of the Companies Act 2006 did not apply to such allotment, up to an aggregate nominal amount of 5 per cent. of the presently issued shares; and
  • Resolution 9: to permit the Company to convene general meetings (other than annual general meetings) on not less than 14 days’ notice.

The full text of all the resolutions can be viewed in the Notice of Meeting by visiting the Company’s website at www.oxfordbiomedica.co.uk.
Certified copies of the document setting out the above resolutions passed at the 2014 AGM have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: https://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM.
The results of the proxy voting in advance of the meeting are shown below.  On the Record Date (1 June 2014) there were 1,416,149,005 1p ordinary shares in issue, each carrying one vote per share.

Resolution Votes
Votes at
Votes at
other proxy
votes cast
Ordinary resolutions              
1 666,687,905 923,289 8,075,255 38,902 42,532 675,767,883 Passed
2 271,899,678 855,355 8,075,255 30,865,202 364,072,393 675,767,883 Passed
3 302,233,865 862,795 8,075,255 457,303 364,138,665 675,767,883 Passed
4 666,042,751 835,902 8,075,255 717,073 96,902 675,767,883 Passed
5 666,025,533 849,296 8,075,255 691,964 125,835 675,767,883 Passed
6 665,987,201 1,012,357 8,075,255 634,469 58,601 675,767,883 Passed
7 666,254,034 1,040,107 8,075,255 266,422 132,065 675,767,883 Passed
Special resolutions              
8 665,722,262 1,021,371 8,075,255 789,363 159,632 675,767,883 Passed
9 661,187,722 1,021,229 8,075,255 612,921 4,870,756 675,767,883 Passed
